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A rant about responsiveness for bespoke websites

Responsiveness does not start and end at the usual breakpoints. It takes more than just looking at specific screen sizes. There are certain points in bespoke websites that need that little bit of extra love.

I have noticed that in some sites that people call responsive, they do not properly check their content and places that may require some attention at specific sizes. For example, many websites have overly complicated navigations that require the developers to check that everything fits all the way down to the sites mobile menu state.

Not everyone views websites at the developers planned viewport. Many people have multiple applications and browser pages open at once, and usually the browser pages are fit to the users needed size specifications.

With this in mind, it is imperative to double or even triple check content all the way down to each responsive breakpoint. Or else you will get overlapping navigation items, un-wanted word breaks and even links that users will not be able to access.

Proper quality insurance is important. It makes or breaks websites, and being able to stress test sites is more important than building them.